About PPJR Media

Online Marketing

In recent years, PPJR Media founder Pim Razenberg supported various online marketing agencies in developing their internal processes and output. By developing new strategies and tools and designing smart, flexible templates to reduce workload, his work makes the lives of both junior and senior (SEO) specialists a little easier while at the same time actively working towards the achievement of business goals.

Keeping in mind the growth objectives of both company and customers, Razenberg enjoys providing specialists the support and training they need to promote their self-development and create a sense of agency.

Razenberg is the author of one of the most complete SEO Guidelines on the internet. His SEO Guidelines were first published in 2018 and have been updated monthly since, to incorporate market developments.

blog writer

Pim Razenberg

Content creator and online marketer Pim Razenberg is an experienced traveler who has been traveling the world for years. After working in the Dutch media industry he moved abroad, living and working in Romania, Hungary, the United Kingdom, and Thailand.

Storytelling has always been one of Razenberg’s greatest passions. After some inspiring encounters with film production during secondary school, it became inevitable that Razenberg would start producing films himself.

As a multimedia specialist, Razenberg realized various creative projects both at home and abroad; he produced three feature films, created the social media phenomenon The Bite-Sized Backpacker, and published the storybook Fluffy’s Adventures: Southeast Asia & the Pacific.

Razenberg currently works in the Netherlands, where he initiates new creative projects and helps online marketing agencies set up and develop their SEO and CRO departments.

world tour

Content Creation

PPJR Media carried out various creative projects at home and abroad, including the production of several feature films, publishing a travel storybook, drawing webcomics, and developing several successful social marketing campaigns.

We believe that media can be used to bring people together and to make cultural and social issues discussable in an artistic and creative way.

On this website, you’ll find a selection of our media productions, including some short films, videos, comics, short stories, and the three feature films The Day That Never Happened (2006), Westenbrink (2007), and Eight (2008).

PPJR Productions

PPJR Media originated as the production company PPJR Productions, under which we produced various feature films, corporate films, and other videos.

PPJR Productions started as a production company dedicated to producing Dutch independent film productions. In 2006 entrepreneur Pim Razenberg produced his first feature film The Day That Never Happened. After the success of the film, Westenbrink followed in 2007, and Eight in 2008, which starred Yvonne Oldenhof and Robin ten Broek. In addition to the features, PPJR Productions produced various corporate films, television reports, travel videos, and other audiovisual productions.

learning concept

Showreel PPJR Media

– Icon images credited to Delesign Graphics